第 2 课:洗漱 - 1

I need to wash my face. 我要洗脸

I need to brush my teeth . 我要刷牙

I am shaving. 我在刮胡子。

I just want to wash my face. 我只是想要洗脸。

you need to wash your face. 你需要洗脸。

you need to brush your teeth. 你需要刷牙。

I left the bathtub running. 我忘了关洗澡水

I will run you the hot bath. 我去帮你放一缸热水,让你洗澡

could you run me a nice hot bath. 可不可以请你帮我放一缸热水,我好洗澡

my breath stinks. 我的嘴很臭。