第 4 课:用早餐 - 1

what do you want for breakfast? 你早餐想吃什么?

what's for breakfast? 早餐有什么可以吃?

how about toast? 吃吐司面包好吗?

I'll skip breakfast. 我不吃早餐.

do you want me to make some coffee? 你要我冲些咖啡吗?

let's have left over pizza for breakfast. 我们早餐吃剩下的批萨吧。

how about toast? 土司怎么样?

I think I'll have a light breakfast. 我想我早餐吃少一点。

I'll have my coffee black. 我要黑咖啡。

the coffee is strong.这咖啡很浓。

what do you want for breakfast? 你早餐要吃什么?

I'm late ,I really don't have time to eat. 我已经迟到了。 我真的没有时间吃。

you need to eat something. how about toast? 你需要吃点东西。 吃个吐司面包好吗?

toast will be fine. 吐司面包可以。