第 5 课:去上班 - 1

I'm off to work. 我要去上班了。

I'm going now. 我要走了。

I'll be home late. 我会晚一点回来。

see you tonight. 今晚见。

when will you be back tonight? 你今晚什么时候回来?

I'm off to work . 我要去上班了。

are you leaving already ? 你现在就要走了吗?

yes, I have twenty minutes to get there. 是的,我还有二十分钟的时间。

gods, I didn't realize it was that late. 天啊,我不知道这么晚了。

oh, my gods, it's already nine. 噢,我的天啊!已经九点了。

you'd better hide out , or you'll be late. 你最好快点走,否则你会迟到。

I'd better get going. 我最好快点走。

I'll see you this evening , have a good day. 今晚见。祝你今天愉快。

I'll see you tonight. tell the kids bye for me . 今晚见。替我跟孩子们说再见。

ok, see you then . 好的,再见。

should you be off to work ? 你不是该去上班了吗?

you're right, I'd better get a move on. 是啊。我该走了。