第 5 课:去上班 - 3

I'll off to work. 我要去上班了。

see you when I get home. 晚上回家再见。

I'll see you after work. 下班后再见。

I'd better get going. I'm running late. 我最好快点走。我快迟到了。

I'm going to take off now. 我要走了。

I've got to get to work , I'll call you later. 我要去上班了。我稍后再给你打电话。

call me at the office, if you need anything. 如果你需要什么东西,打电话到公司找我。

I'm taking off , but I'll see you at lunch. 我要走了,午饭时再见。

have a good day , I hope your meeting goes well. 祝你今天愉快。希望你的会议开得顺利。

get going, you don't want to be late. 快走吧。可别迟到了。

be careful, the traffics pretty bad. 小心点交通很糟。

if you leave right now, you may not be late. 如果你现在走,可能就不会迟到了。

you'd better get moving , you've got ten minutes to get to work. 你最好赶快走。你还有十分钟时间赶到办公室。

I've got to go , or I'll be late. 得走了,否则我会迟到。

have a good day, and I'll see you later. 祝你今天愉快,再见。

see you tonight. 今晚见。

I'm going now, I'll pick you up after work. 我要走了。我下班后去接你。

can you drop me off on you way. 你可以顺道载我一程吗?

let me get my bag , and I'll be ready. 我去拿包,然后就可以去上班了。

I'm going now, I'll be home late. 我要去上班了。我会晚一点儿回来。

when will you be back tonight ? 你今晚什么时候回来?