第 6 课:用午餐 - 2

-What's for lunch? I'm starving. 午餐吃什么?我饿坏了。

-I was thinking of hamburgers. 我在想去吃汉堡。

-Do you want to order a pizza for lunch? 你要不要点匹萨饼当午饭?

-That'll be good! 好啊。

-Here's your lunch. 这是你的午饭。

-Oh, thanks! It was nice of you to bring it to me. 噢,谢谢你。你真好,给我带午饭。

-Do you want to go to lunch? 你要不要去吃午饭?

-Yeah, that would be great. 好啊。

-Do you want some lunch? 你要吃午饭吗?

-Sure. What are you having? 好啊,你有什么可以吃的?

-I can't decide between soup or a salad. 我不知道该煮汤还是沙拉。

-I think a salad would be great. 我认为沙拉很好。

-What are you eating for lunch? 你在吃什么?

-Leftovers. Do you want some? 剩菜。你要不要来一些?

-No, thanks. I'm not hungry. 不用了,我不饿。

-Are you sure? 你真的不吃吗?

-Yeah, I've already eaten. 是啊,我已经吃了。

-OK, suit yourself. 好吧,随便你。