Unit 24 - Changing Money 兑换外币

Mr. Lee: I would like to exchange Chinese money into German currency please.

Teller: Certainly. How much will you be exchanging today? 可以。您想换多少钱?

Mr. Lee: How about 50,000 RMB. Would that be a problem? 五万人民币?可以吗?

Teller: That's a hefty amount. But that should have no problem at all. You should be aware that there is a ten-percent service charge, though. 您兑换的钱很多,但是不成问题。请注意我们要收百分之十的服务费。

Mr. Lee: Ten percent! Now that's hefty! 百分之十,大多了 !

Teller: Wait a minute… do you have an account with us? 等等,您有我们银行的户头吗?

Mr. Lee: Yes I do; here is my account number. 有。这是账户号。

Teller: For members, there is a small transaction charge, but it's only 5 dollars per transaction. Any particular denomination? 对于会员,有小额交易费,但每笔交易5美元。要特别面额的吗?

Mr. Lee: 3,000 marks in hundreds and the rest in tens and twenty's, please. 要三千一百马克的,其它的要十马克和二十马克的。

Teller: Here you are Mr. Lee. Will there be anything else? 给您, Lee 先生。您还需要其他的服务吗?

Exchange 兑换
account number 账户号
denomination 币值