Unit 30 - Invitation 邀请

Mr. Jones: Mary! I haven't seen you since our dinner with Mr. Lee last week. Where have you been hiding yourself lately? Mary! 自从上星期我们和李先生吃过饭后就没见到你了。你最近藏到哪儿去了?

Miss Lewis: Oh, hi Mike. I've been out of town the last few days. What did you need? 噢,你好,Mike。我前些天不在城里。你有什么事吗?

Mr. Jones: Really, nothing big. I just heard about your ideas on employee motivation and I wanted chat with you about a few things going on in my department. 其实没什么重要的事情。我刚听说你有关提高员工积极性的一些想法,我想和你聊聊我部门里的一些事情。

Miss Lewis: Well, feel free to drop by my office any time. The door's always open. 好的,随时可以到我办公室来谈,我非常欢迎.

Mr. Jones: Actually, I was hoping to mix business with pleasure. Would you be interested in joining me for dinner some time this week? I thought we might try out the new Italian restaurant everyone's been talking about. 其实,我希望在轻松的气氛中谈正事儿。这周你愿意和我一起去吃晚餐吗? 我觉得我们可以去那家意大利餐厅,风乎每个人都说起这家餐厅。

Miss Lewis: Sure, Mike, I'd love to. 没问题,Mike, 我很愿意。

Mr. Jones: Is this evening too soon? 要是今晚,时间是不是太紧了?

Miss Lewis: No, that's perfect. We can leave directly from here. 不,今晚挺好的。我们可以直接从这儿走。

feel free 随便
drop by顺便拜访