Unit 32 - At the Party 在宴会上

Mr. Lee: Excuse me, everyone. If I could just have your attention for a few minutes… I'd like to thank you all for coming. Welcome to Go-Getters Advertising Agency's Annual Make Your Market Banquet. We're happy to be celebrating the end of another successful year. I'd like to propose a toast, if I may. Here's to successful projects completed, to the team that made them happen, and to the profits all our clients are sure to make! 对不起,各位。占用大家几分钟时间……我非常感谢大家能来。欢迎你们参加“进取者”广告公司一年一度的“占领市场”主题宴会。我们很高兴能在丰收的一年的年末庆祝我们的成功。请允许我举杯祝愿。祝贺项目圆满完成,感谢项目组人员,祝我们所有的客户能财源广进!

Rob: To successful projects! 祝贺项目圆满完成!

Jill: To revenue! 祝贺我们财源广进!

Rob: Mr. Lee, I'm afraid I have to leave a little early. I wanted to say thanks so much for another lovely banquet. Everything was delicious, and the pre-dinner entertainment was superb. 李先生,恐怕我得提前一会儿离开。非常感谢您准备的丰盛晚餐。菜肴很可口,餐前的娱乐活动非常棒。

Mr. Lee: I'm glad you enjoyed it. Our video lab technicians love putting together the annual comedy video. Hope you'll be able to join us again next year. 您能喜欢,我非常高兴。我们的音像师喜欢把每年有趣的录像连在一起,希望您明年还能还参加我们的聚会。

Rob: I'm sure I will. 我一定会的。

Mr. Lee: I hope you have enjoyed your evening, Jill. 但愿您今晚过得愉快,Jill.

Jill: Yes. It is wonderful to be celebrating another successful year at the agency. I'm so glad you included me on the guest list. 是的。又是公司成功的一年,庆祝活动很精彩! 很荣幸被邀请。

Mr. Lee: Of course, of course. It wouldn't be a celebration without our newest client. I am so glad you could make it! Will you be staying for the dance?

Jill: No, I have to head home pretty soon. I have an early morning tomorrow.

Mr. Lee: Me, too. If you can wait for me, I'll walk out with you. I just have to give a short speech to start the band off, and then I will be free to go. 我也是。如果您能等我,我想和您一起走。我得去说几句,让乐队开始演奏,然后我就可以走了。

Jill: Sure, I can wait a few minutes. 好的,我等您几分钟。

Make Your Market 占领市场(To make it, make your day中的make是获得全胜的意思)
propose a toast建议举杯祝酒