Unit 62 - 数字语音服务

Husband:I'm so frustrated! 真扫兴!

Wife:what's wrong,Jim? 怎么了,Jim?

Husband:I called the electronics shop to find out what time they close,and it took me twenty minutes to get what I wanted! 我给电器店打电话问他们什么时候关门,可我花了二十分钟才弄清楚。

Wife:Twenty minutes just to find out what their business hours are? 二十分钟才查出他们的营业时间?

Husband:yes.They have some sort of digital receptionist.So when I called in ,a machine told me to push a button for the department I wanted to be transferred to. 是的。他们使用的是数字语音服务。我打进电话后,机器告诉我按一个键接通要找的部门。

Wife:Oh,I hate getting voicemail instead of a person.What did you do? 我不喜欢语音服务。你当时是怎么办的?

Husband:I just kept pushing buttons.I was transferred to customer service,but there a machine told me to choose between technical help,warranty information,or price information. 我不停地(根据提示)按键。先是接通的客户服务部,可机器让我按键选择技术服务,保修信息或是价格信息。

Wife:Couldn't you choose to be transferred to a real person? 难道你就不能选择接通服务人员?

Husband:Eventually I did get to a real person.I found out the closing time,but by then the store had already closed! 最后,终于有个人接了我的电话。我知道了关门时间,但是那时已经关门了。