Unit 67 - 协商(2):付款方式

Jerry:My boss was willing to consider your offer,but is interested in future price reduction.Do you have any cash discount? 我的老板愿意考虑您的出价,但他希望价格上还能再优惠些.如果现金付款您能给折扣吗?

Catherine:Actually,since we talked last we have implemented a new policy for quick payment.It's 5/10 net 30. 其实,从上次谈完后,我们就实行了快速付款的新政策.5/10,30天付清.

Jerry:5/10 net 30?What do you mean by that? 5/10,三十天付清.这是…什么意思?

Catherine:well,normally have 30 days to pay the balance.But if you pay within 10 days we will give you an additional 5% discount. 也就是说,一般你三十天内付清余额.但你能在10天内付清余额,我们可以另外给你5%的折扣.

Jerry:We normally do not have a lot of cash in our budget because we are a small company,but this sounds like an attractive offer.But once again ,I am going to have to run this past my boss.I wish he would just do this himself! 一般我们的预算中没有太多现金,因为我们是小公司,但您的出价听起来很吸引人.不过我还是的把这些反馈给我的老板.他还不如自己来处理这件事呢.

Catherine:Is there anything else we can discuss? 我们还需要讨论其他什么事情吗?

Jerry:As a matter of fact,there is .Let's talk about shipping. 是的.我们需要谈谈送货的问题.