Unit 68 - 协商(2):更多好处

Jerry:My boss agreed to your price,although he found it a little high.He would like to keep working with your company,and he is also hoping that there will be some further incentives in the deal.What can you offer? 我的老板虽然觉得价格有些高,但还是同意了.我很愿意同贵公司合作,但希望能在生意中得到更多奖励.您能给予我们什么?

Catherine:hummm.Well,we can extend our warranty .Normally we offer a six-month limited warranty.How would you like to get a one-year warranty? 嗯,我们可以延长保修期.一般我们的有限条件保修是六个月.我们给你们一年的保修期如何?

Jerry:That sounds excellent,of course! 太棒了.

Catherine:It is twice the standard period;you won't find that deal with our competitors. 这是正常保修期的两倍,你在同类的商家是得不到这样的优惠条件的.

Jerry:Just one question ;what do you mean by “limited”? 还有一个问题.‘‘有限保修”的‘‘有限”是什么意思?

Catherine:Well,the cost of each product is fully refundable or replaceable in the first three months.After that ,we only repair the robotic parts .So you'll have to return the product and let us repair it. 意思是三个月内产品可以全额退款或更换.三个月后,我们只对电动零件进行保修.你必须把产品返还给我们修理.

Jerry:I see.Perhaps as you are extending the warranty ,you can extend the period in which products are fully refundable? 我明白了.你们既然可以延长保修期,或许也能够延长全额退款的期限?

Catherine:I don't see why not.After all,we have confidence in the quality of our product. 为什么不可以呢?我们对产品有信心.

Jerry:Now we're talking!I think Mr.Johnson will go for that! 我们就这么决定了.我想Johnson 先生会选择和你们合作的.