Unit 69 - 协商(2):运输

Catherine: Our shipping arrangements are very detailed .We wrap each doll in seven layers of bubble-wrap and then pack them in separate boxes. We have never had any problem with breakage. 我们的运输安排的很细致.每个娃娃用泡沫抱了七层,放进独立的包装盒.我们的产品从未损坏过.

Jerry: Well ,that's a relief .We'll still need to insure them though. 太好了,那样我就放心了.不过我们仍然需要上保险.

Catherine: You are in luck ,Jerry, the insurance is covered in the purchasing price. Jerry,您很幸运,保险已经算在购买价里了.

Jerry: So…if I do not get insurance ,I can get an even better discount? 那……如果我不需要保险,是不是我可以有更多的折扣?

Catherine: Nice try Jerry, but it is a fixed cost and non-negotiable. 您倒是挺努力的,Jerry,但这是固定价格,没有商量的余地.

Jerry: Well ,I had to try. How do you normally ship them ? 我当然得努力了.你们通常怎么运送产品的?

Catherine: We have a contract with UPS. If you want to use any other shipping method ,the costs are going to go up . 我们和UPS签订了合约.如果您想采用其他的运输方法,价格就要提高了.