Unit 74 - 目标市场

Michael: Our target market is large corporations and government agencies. They have the most need for our computers. 我们的目标市场是大公司和政府机构.他们对我们电脑的需求量最大.

Ann: I have extensive government contacts and rich experience working for Fortune 500 companies. 我和政府的关系广泛,有过在多家财富500强公司工作的丰富经验.

Michael: I see from your resume you have worked for the likes of Microsoft and IBM. What can you tell us about your experiences with these companies in China? 你的简历上说你曾为微软和IBM工作过.你能否谈谈你在他们中国分公司的工作经验?

Ann: I have held numerous management positions and been responsible for nationwide sales for IBM. 我做过很多管理工作,负责IBM的全国销售网.

Michael: Can you elaborate on your sales experience? 你能描述一下你的销售经历吗?

Ann: I was responsible for building a sales team from 10 to over 150. Sales during my tenure increased 150%. 我负责建设销售团队,从10个人发展到150个.销售额在我任职期间增长了百分之一百五十.