Unit 78 - 寻找销售代理商

White: Let me get right to the point. We really need to break into the Chinese market. Why do you think you are the man to do it for us? 让我直说了吧。我们需要打入中国市场。为什么你觉得您是我们合适的人选?

Black: Mr. White, if you want to do business in China you have to have relationships. In Chinese we call it “guanxi”. White先生,如果您想在中国做生意,您得有关系。中文叫Guanxi.

White: I don't care what you call it as long as you have it. Do you have it , Mr. Black? 我不管把它叫做什么,只要您有就行。您有关系吗,Black先生?

Black: I was born and raised here, Mr. White .My father is a leading government official so I have a lot of clout. We'll need that. I have also been working in the computer industry for more than 20 years. 我在这生长。我的父亲,他是政府高官,所以我很有势力。这一点很重要。而且我在电脑行业干了20年了。

White: So far so good, Mr. Black. But you haven't quite convinced me yet. Keep talking. 很好,Black 先生。但是我还没有被说服。您接着谈吧。

Black: Well, as you know, I am currently working for your biggest competitor Legend Computers. I have a sales network spread all over China. When I make the transition, I am sure many of them will soon come on board. 你知道,我现在为您最大的对手“联想”工作。我的销售网络覆盖全国。如果我跳槽了,我肯定可以把许多客户带走。

White: Do you consider that ethical? 您觉得那么做道德吗?

Black: Do you want ethical or do you want results? 您想要道德还是结果?

White: I want both. Mr. Black, I am afraid you do not match our corporate mold. Good day, Mr. Black! 两者我都要。Black先生,恐怕您和我们的公司理念不太一致。再见,Black先生。