第 106 课:That''s the trouble.这真麻烦。

JOANA: Anyway, you were about to mention the gifts you had to buy.您应该去给家里人买小礼品了。

MRS. FARIAS: Yes. What do you think I ought to get for your father?知道,你看我给你爸爸买件什么礼物好呢?

JOANA: He has just about everything, doesn''t he?他什么都不缺,对吗?

MRS. FARIAS: That''s the trouble.这真麻烦。

PAUL Hi, Mama. Hi, Joana.你好妈妈,你好乔安娜!

MRS. FAmAS: I''m glad you''re home early. Do you know how to fix the lock on that suitcase?It''s stuck.今天你回来的这么早,我真高兴。你知道这提箱的锁怎么锁吗?真难弄。

PAUL It probably needs a little oil.该上点油了。

MRS. FAmAS: Paulo, I don''t know what to get for your father. Do you have any suggestions?鲍罗,给你爸爸买点什么礼物好?你有什么好主意吗?

PAUL Why don''t you get him a pocket calculator?买个袖珍计算器好吗?

MRS. FAmAS: That''s a wonderful ideal I hope he doesn''t already have one.太好了,但愿现在他还没有这玩意儿。

PAUL I doubt it. There, the lock''s okay now.我想他还没有。呶,锁好了。

MRS. FAmAS: Good. Thank you, dear. Where should I look for a calculator?太好了,谢谢你,亲爱的。你让我去哪儿买计算器?

PAUL I know a place where I can get one on sale. I''U pick one up for you tomorrow.我知道一个地方卖计算器,明天我给您买回来吧。

MRS. FAmAS: Thank you, dear. You know, when I get home. I''m going to wish I were back here. I wish there were some way for all of us to be in the same city, or at least, the same country.好吧,亲爱的,你知道,我一到家,就总想回到这里来,真想我们大家都在一个城市里,哪怕在一个国家里也好呀。