第 11 课:How's the food here? 这里的菜怎麽样?

ANNA: Look! Isn't that Atsuko, the woman in our class? let's sit there. Hi, Atsuko. Where's your husband? 你看! 那不是我们班上的明子吗? 我们坐那边吧. 明子你好,你的先生呢?

ATSUK: He's in line again. He's hungry tonight. 他又去排队了, 他今天晚上很饿.

CARL: How's the food here? 这里的菜怎麽样?

ATSUK: It's okay. The rice isn't good, but the sandwiches are okay. 还可以, 这里的饭不好吃, 但是三明治还不错.

PEDR: Are you writing letters again? 你又在写信了?

MIGUEL: Huh? 什麽?

PEDR: What are you doing? 你在做什麽?

MIGUEL: I'm writing to my mother. 我在写信给我妈妈.

PEDR: Send her my regards. 代我问候她.

MIGUEL: Where are you going? Isn't that my new sweater? 你要去哪里? 那不是我的新毛衣吗?

PEDR: Yes. I'm going to the movies with Marta, the Colombian girl on the fourth floor. 是. 我正要与四楼那位哥伦比亚女孩子玛它去看电影.

MIGUEL: You are? What about the woman in your office? 你真要去? 那, 你的公司那位小姐呢?

PEDR: What about her? 她怎麽样?

MIGUEL: Aren't you seeing her tonight? 你今天晚上不是要去看她的吗?

PEDR: No, tomorrow night. 不是, 是明天晚上.