第 114 课:Airports are sad places. 飞机场是令人伤感的地方.

MARTA: Airports are sad places. 飞机场是令人伤感的地方.

MIGUEL: Sometimes, I guess. But, we'll write. You'll come down at Christmas. 有时候大概是吧. 但是 我们会写信的. 在圣诞节你会来这里的.

MARTA: If we can find the money. 如果能凑够钱的话.

MIGUEL: Don't worry, Marta. Everything will be taken care of. They say that fares are going to be reduced in the next six months. And when I graduate, well...玛它你放心好了, 一切都会安排好的. 听说机票在六个月以内会减价. 而且当我毕业后, 就...

MARTA: That's two years from now. Two years is a long time. 那是两年以后的事. 两年是一段很长的时间.

MIGUEL: The time will pass quickly. You'll see. I might even be able to come back to New York next summer. 时间会过得很快.说不定. 我明年夏天也许能够再回到纽约来也不一定.

MARTA: Oh, Miguel, you'll forget all about me. Your mother will find you a nice girl, you'll get married, and live happily ever after. 米盖尔, 你会把我抛到九霄云外. 你妈妈会替你找一个合适的女孩子, 然后你会结婚, 并且以后会有幸福美满的生活.

MIGUEL: No, I won't. I swear I won't. Don't you believe me? 我不会的. 我发誓不会. 你不相信我吗?

MARTA: I don't want to talk about it. All I know is that you are going to be taken away from me. 我不想谈. 我只知道, 你要被别人抢走了.

MIGUEL: That's ridiculous! I'll write every day, whether you answer me or not. 胡说! 我每天都会写信, 不管你回信不回信.

MARTA: Don't be silly. You'll have other things to do. 别说傻话. 你会有别的事情够你忙的了.

MIGUEL: Don't cry, Marta, please. 玛它, 不要哭, 我求你.

MIGUEL: Look, here come Mrs. Ortega and Pedro. 你看, 欧特迦太太和佩德罗来了.
MARTA: I wish they would go away. 我真希望他们走远一点.

MIGUEL: You don't really mean that, Marta. 玛它, 你不是真的这样想吧.

PEDR I hope we're not interrupting anything. We want to say good-bye, too. 希望我们没有打扰你们. 我们也想道别一下.

MRS.ORTEGA: Let me give you a kiss, my boy. Remember me to your mother and father. I hope to see them again. I'll miss you, Miguel. 孩子, 让我亲你一下. 替我问候令堂令尊. 我希望能再看到他们. 米盖尔, 我会想你.