第 14 课:Where are the kids? 孩子们到哪里去了?

BILL: Hello! Nora? Billy? Jack? Suzy? Peggy? I'm home! 喂! 诺拉? 比利? 杰克? 苏西? 蓓姬? 我回来了!

NORA: Hi, dear. You're home early. 嗨! 亲爱的, 你回来得很早嘛!

BILL: Hi, honey. Where were you? 嗨! 甜心, 你刚才在哪里?

NORA: I was in the bathroom. 我在洗手间.

BILL: Where are the kids? 孩子们到哪里去了?

NORA: Peggy's at the library. Billy and Jack are at baseball practice. 蓓姬去图书馆, 比利和杰克练棒球去了.

BILL: And Suzy? 苏西呢?

NORA: She was here a few minutes ago. Maybe she's in her room. 她刚刚还在这里, 也许在她的房里吧!

BILL: Gee, I'm tired. 唷, 好累.

NORA: How was your day? 今天怎麽样?

BILL: Busy, but not bad. 很忙, 但是还不错.

BILLY AND JACK: Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad. 妈你好. 爸你好.

BILL: Hi, kids. How was baseball practice? 你们好, 棒球练得怎麽样?

JACK: Great! I'm hungry, Mom. 非常好. 妈, 我肚子饿了.

BILLY: Jack, we weren't great, and you know it. 杰克, 我们练得并不好, 你是知道的.

JACK: Maybe you weren't. 或许你练得不好.

BILLY: Oh, I see. You were great, but the team wasn't. 哦, 我懂了, 你练得非常好, 而全队不怎麽好.