第 21 课:And I want to paint. 我要画画.

MR. CRAWFORD: I don't understand. 我不了解.

MICHAEL: I know you don't. 我知道你不了解.

MR. CRAWFORD: You're 29. You're intelligent. 你二十九岁, 又很有头脑.

MICHAEL: And I want to paint. 我要画画.

MR. CRAWFORD: That's a hobby, not a career. 那是一种嗜好, 不是一种职业.

MICHAEL: What about Michelangelo or Picasso? Was it a hobby for them, too? 米开朗基罗跟毕加索呢? 画画对他们来讲也是一种嗜好吗?

MR. CRAWFORD: No. Of course not. But... 不是, 当然不是, 可是...

MICHAEL: But what? Maybe I'm not Picasso. But I have to try. Give me a year. One more year. 可是怎麽样? 我固然不是毕加索, 可是我不能不试一试. 再给我一年的时间好了, 一年.

FRIEND: Don't cry, Laura. You don't have to work there. 劳拉你不要哭, 你不一定要在那里工作.

LAURA: But I need the money! 可是我不能喝西北风! (可是我需要钱呀!)

FRIEND: Why don't you look for a new job? 你为什麽不找一份新的工作?

LAURA: Where? How? I don't know my way around New York. I feel lost. 到哪里找? 怎麽找? 我对纽约不熟, 我感到茫然.

FRIEND: What's wrong with the job, Laura? What don't you like about it? 劳拉, 那份工作哪里不好? 你是哪一点不喜欢呢?

LAURA: My boss. I don't understand him. 我的老板, 我不了解他.

FRIEND: What don't you understand? 你哪一点不了解?

LAURA: I don't think he's human. 我觉得他不是人.