第 48 课:You need two gallons. 你需要两加仑.

SALESMAN: You need two gallons. 你需要两加仑.

MRS. NIKZAD: Now what do I do? 现在我该怎麽办?

SALESMAN: Madam, why don't you get a painter? 夫人, 你为什麽不找个油漆匠?

MRS. NIKZAD: My son and I want to paint the room together. 我儿子要跟我一起粉刷房间.

SALESMAN: All right. Here. Read these instructions. Do you want the paint now? 好, 这里, 看看这些指导说明, 你现在就要油漆吗?

MRS. NIKZAD: Yes, please. 是的.

SALESMAN: Two gallons of sky blue. That's $21.39. 两加仑天蓝色的? 共是二十一元三角九分.

MRS. NIKZAD: Thank you. What time do you close? 谢谢, 你什麽时候关店?

SALESMAN: We're open till 6:30 tonight. 我们今晚营业到六点卅分.

: I think I'm falling in love with him. Oh, what am I going to do? 我想我正与他谈恋爱了, 噢, 我怎麽办?

: Could I be his wife? 我能成为他的妻子吗?

: How long could I live in a little apartment on a poor street? 我能在这穷巷小屋住多久呢?

: He's an artist. He doesn't think about money, but I do. 他是个艺术家, 他不在乎钱的问题. 但是我在乎,

: I like life's little luxuries. 我喜欢一点奢华的生活,

: I like to buy pretty things -- new dresses and jewelry. 我喜欢买一些漂亮的东西 -- 新的衣服, 珠宝等.