第 5 课:Laura! How is she? 劳拉! 她怎麽样了?

MRS. CRAWFORD: Laura! How is she? 劳拉! 她怎麽样了?

MR. CRAWFORD: She's fine, but... 她很好, 但是...

MRS. CRAWFORD: Oh, that's good. She's very nice. 那好, 她人很好.

MR. CRAWFORD: Yes, she is, but she's always late. 是的, 她很好, 可是她经常迟到.

MRS. CRAWFORD: Very late? 很迟吗?

MR. CRAWFORD: Yes. Fifteen minutes is very late! 嗯, 迟到十五分钟非常的严重!

JOANA: Where's the English class? 英文课在哪上?

PAUL On the first floor. Room 101. 在一楼, 一零一号教室.

JOANA: Are you sure? 您确定吗?

PAUL No, I... 不, 我...

JOANA: Look, Paulo. Are those students in our class? 保罗您看, 那些学生是不是在我们的班上?

PAUL Maybe they are. Excuse me. Good evening. Are you in English 3? 或许是. 很抱歉, 各位晚安. 请问您们是不是上第三级英文?

STUDENTS: Yes, we are. 是的, 我们是.

PAUL What's the room number? 教室是几号?

STUDENT 1: 201. On the second floor. 二零一, 在二楼.

PAUL Thank you. See you there. 谢谢. 到那儿见.