第 51 课:Awful. I resigned. 糟透了! 我辞职了.

LAURA: Hi, Bill. 嗨, 比尔你好.

BILL: Hi, Laura. How are you today? 嗨, 罗拉. 你今天怎么样?

LAURA: Awful. I resigned. 糟透了! 我辞职了.

BILL: You resigned? Why? You liked the job, didn't you? 你辞职了? 为什么?你不是蛮喜欢那份工作吗?

LAURA: Yes and no. I never liked my boss. You know that. 喜欢也不喜欢. 我始终都不喜欢我的老板, 这个你是知道的.

BILL: Yes. But it was an interesting job, wasn't it? 对, 可是那份工作不是蛮有趣的吗?

LAURA: Yes. We handled all the advertising and promotion for the Fair. 是的. 我们负责万博会所有的广告与宣传促销.

BILL: Well, what are you going to do now? 那么, 你现在打算怎么样.

LAURA: Find another job. Do you need a secretary? I type sixty words a minute.找新工作. 你需不需要一个秘书? 我一分钟可以打六十个字.

BILL: No, not today. But did you look in the newspaper? 今天不需要. 不过你可曾在报纸上找过?

LAURA: Yes. Nobody needs a secretary this week. 找过了, 这个礼拜那里都不缺秘书.

BILL: What about the employment office here at the Fair? Did you check with them? 万博会的人事处如何呢? 你到那边问过没有?

LAURA: No, I didn't. 没有, 我没有.

BILL: Why not? 为什么不去呢?

LAURA: Because they aren't going to help me. I resigned from a good job! 因为他们不会帮助我的. 我已经辞掉一份很好的工作!