第 53 课:You are too critical, dear. 你太挑剔了, 亲爱的!

MRS.CRAWFORD: She's a good typist, isn't she? 她是一位好打字员, 对不对?

MR.CRAWFORD: Yes, usually. 是, 通常是打得不错.

MRS.CRAWFORD: Well? 怎么讲?

MR.CRAWFORD: "Usually" isn't "always." "通常" 是不等于 "经常" 的.

MRS.CRAWFORD: You are too critical, dear. 你太挑剔了, 亲爱的!

MR.CRAWFORD: Please. It's my business. 拜托, 那是我的事情.

MRS.CRAWFORD: Don't talk to me that way. And don't forget, it was my father's business. You're too critical of everything and everyone; of me, of the boys... 不要这样对我说话,你也不要忘了,公司本来是我爸爸的.你对每一个人,每一件事物都太挑剔, 包括我, 我们的儿子...

MR.CRAWFORD: Jane, please, don't bother me. 珍, 我求你不要烦我.

MRS.CRAWFORD: Look, Gary, I live here, too. They are my sons, too. 贾瑞你听我讲, 这个家也是我的, 儿子也是我的...

MR.CRAWFORD: I'm tired, and I don't want to talk about it. 我很累, 我不想讨论这些.

MIGUEL: What a mess! 这里乱透了!

PEDR You sound like my mother. Watch out! Don't step on that sweater. 你讲话像我妈妈一样. 小心啊! 别踩了那件毛衣.

MIGUEL: Hey, that's my sweater. 嘿, 这件毛衣是我的!

PEDR Uh, yes, I guess it is. 这个... 好像是.

MIGUEL: You're a slob, Pedro, but you're a great photographer. Some of these pictures could be in magazines. 你是个大垃圾虫, 佩德罗. 可是, 你却也是个第一流的摄影师. 这些照片可以登到杂志上去.

PEDR Thanks, Miguel. 谢谢你, 米盖尔.