第 54 课:We saw each other a few times. 我们彼此见了几次面,

MIGUEL: Hey, here's an old picture of you. You had a mustache! 嘿, 这里有一张你以前的照片. 你留了小胡子!

PEDR Let me see. 给我看.

MIGUEL: You're standing with a guy with long blond hair. He looks American. 你跟一个金黄长发的家伙站在一起, 他看起来好像是美国人.

PEDR Yes, he is. He was my first good friend here. A very creative guy. I met him at the art school downtown. 是的, 他是我来这边以后的第一个好朋友, 是一个很有艺术创作力的年轻人. 我是在市中区那间艺术学校认识他的.

MIGUEL: What's his name? You never talk about him. 他叫什么名字? 你从来没提过他.

PEDR His name's Michael. PEDR He was in love with this woman. He wanted to marry her. She was beautiful, but crazy. 他叫麦可, 他跟这位小姐相恋, 他想娶她. 她很漂亮, 但是有点神经兮兮的.

MIGUEL: What do you mean "crazy?" 你说她神经兮兮的, 是什么意思?

PEDR One day, she came to my door. She didn't love Michael anymore. She fell in love with me. 有一天 她来到我家门口. 她不再爱麦可了, 她爱上了我.

MIGUEL: Just like that? 就那样吗?

PEDR Well, sure, I flirted with her, but I flirt with everyone! 这个... 当然罗, 我有逗过她, 可是我谁都逗.

MIGUEL: What happened? 结果怎么样?

PEDR You know I can't resist a pretty face. 你是知道的, 我没办法抗拒漂亮女孩子的魔力.

MIGUEL: And Michael? What did he do? 那么麦可呢? 他的反应怎么样?

PEDR He never spoke to me again. About a year ago I tried to call him, but he hung up on me. 他跟我断绝来往了. 大概一年前我给他打电话, 可是被他挂断了.

MIGUEL: What happened to the girl? 那个女孩怎么样了?

PEDR We saw each other a few times. 我们彼此见了几次面,

PEDR Then she moved to Florida. She has a sister there.Things like that don't last long. 然后她搬到佛罗里达去了. 她有一个姊姊住那里. 像那种事情是不持久的.