第 56 课:Dear Mama, 亲爱的妈妈:

: Dear Mama, 亲爱的妈妈:

: There is so much to tell you, Mama. 我要和您说的事情太多.

: Everything here seems different, but, at the same time, everything seems the same. 这里的一切, 都好像不一样. 可是, 在同样的时间, 每件事情又似乎是相同的.

: Yesterday was a good example. 昨天就是一个很好的例子.

: At 7:00 the alarm clock rang and woke us up. 闹钟在七点钟时叫醒了我们,

: I turned on the radio, and we listened to the news. 我打开了收音机, 我们收听新闻报导.

: But the news is in English, not Spanish. 可是, 那是英语新闻, 不是西班牙文.

: For breakfast, we have coffee and bread, but the coffee and bread don't taste the same as they do at home. 我们早餐吃面包喝咖啡, 可是这里的面包、咖啡跟家里所吃的味道却不一样.

: Even the water tastes different! 就连自来水的味道都不一样呢!

: At 9:00 I left the house. 我九点钟出门.

: At night, after dinner, we talked and watched television. 晚上吃晚餐以后我们聊天看电视.

: The movies here are the same: war stories, westerns, and mysteries. 此地的影片千篇一律: 有战争片、西部片和侦探片.

: At about 9:30 one of Pedro's friends stopped in to say hello. 大概九点半左右, 佩德罗的一个朋友进来寒喧了一下,

: At about 11:00 Pedro called each one of his twenty girlfriends to say good night and told each one a different story. 大约在十一点左右, 佩德罗给他二十个女朋友一个一个的打电话道晚安, 并分别说了二十个不同的故事给她们听.

: I like Pedro more and more. 我越来越喜欢佩德罗.