第 68 课:Were there any calls? 有没有电话?

MR. CRAWFORD: Ms. Segura, Mr. Farias is leaving now. Good-bye, Paulo. 瑟姑拉小姐, 法瑞斯先生现在要走了, 保罗再见.

PAUL Good-bye, Mr. Crawford. And we'll see you and Mrs. Crawford for dinner on Wednesday. 郭佛先生再见, 礼拜三吃晚餐的时候, 我们就可以跟您和郭佛太太见面了.

MR. CRAWFORD: We're looking forward to it. 我们正期待着.

MR. CRAWFORD: Were there any calls? 有没有电话?

LAURA: Yes. Your wife called fifteen minutes ago. 有. 夫人十五分钟以前打电话来.

MR. CRAWFORD: Did she leave a message? 有没有留话?

LAURA: No, sir. And your next appointment is here. Mr. Robert Gardner. 没有, 下一个人已经来了, 罗巴特?迦德纳先生.

MR. CRAWFORD: Send him in, please. 请叫他进来.

LAURA: Yes, sir. 是的, 先生.

LAURA: Your coat, Mr. Farias. 法瑞斯先生, 您的大衣.

PAUL Thank you, Ms. Segura, Good day. 谢谢你, 瑟姑拉小姐, 再见.

LAURA: Good day, sir. 再见, 先生.

LAURA: As you see, Claire, the office is very formal. 如你所看到的, 这里是非常规规矩矩的.

CLAIRE: Yes, I realized that when Mr. Crawford interviewed me. 嗯, 郭佛先生面试的时候我就领会到了.

LAURA: Well, let's go on. The files are easy. We keep our files in alphabetical order. 好了, 我们继续吧. 档案很简单, 我们这里的档案按照字母顺序排列.