第 72 课:She's just about your age. 跟你差不多一样年纪.

: You won't do anything foolish, will you, Miguel? 米盖尔, 你可不能作傻事,

: You don't know how important you are to us. 你不知道你对我们来说是多么的重要.

: Do you remember the Monteros? 你还记不记得蒙特若夫妇?

: They moved to New York about seven years ago. 他们大概七年前搬到纽约去了,

: They have a daughter, a very pretty girl. 他们有一个很漂亮的女儿,

: She's just about your age. 跟你差不多一样年纪.

: They won't recognize you, of course, but they'll remember us, and they'll be very happy to see you. 当然, 他们会认不出你是谁, 但是还会记得我们. 他们看到你, 一定会很高兴.

: The girl's name is Maria. 他们的女儿叫玛丽亚,

: I'm sure you'll find the number in the telephone book. 我想你在电话簿里一定可以查到电话号码,

: His first name is Fernando. 他的名字叫费南多.

: Forgive me, Miguel. I know you are a man now, 请原谅我, 米盖尔, 我知道你已经不再是小孩子了,

: but you are also my son. 可是, 你仍然是我的儿子.

: I worry about you, and I suppose I always will. 我替你担心, 我想, 大概永远会替你担心.

: Love, Mama 妈

: PS Write soon. 再启: 快一点来信.