第 75 课:I'm friendly and competent. 我又合群又能干

: -- Anything? -- 什么都能做吗?

: -- Yes, anything. -- 是, 我什么事都能做.

: -- Come on now, Laura. Be realistic. -- 罗拉, 你不要这样子了, 面对现实点吧!

: -- All right, almost anything. -- 好吧, 差不多什么都能做.

: I can speak, read, and write English and Spanish. 我能说、读、写英文和西班牙文,

: I can run an office. 我能负责办公室的一切事务.

: I'm friendly and competent. 我又合群又能干,

: Uh... there must be more. 嗯... 一定还有,

: Oh, yes, I type and take shorthand in two languages. 对了, 我有两种语言的打字和速记技能.

: -- Well, then, if you can do all that, you don't have to work for the Mr. Crawfords of the world! -- 那么, 你既然有这些技能, 就不必要替郭佛先生这种人工作!

: -- But, what will I do, then? -- 那么我将要怎么做呢?

: -- Well, what kind of job would you like? -- 你想要怎么样的工作?

: Do you want to work in an office again? 你愿不愿意再到办公室去工作?

: There's so much to think about. 要考虑的事情可真多!