第 8 课:A gold coin. 一块金币.

ARTUR What is it? 那是什麽?

MIGUEL: A gold coin. 一块金币.

MAMA: It's for luck. 是带给你的好运.

MIGUEL: Thank you, Mama. 谢谢妈.

MAMA: Good-bye, Son. 再见, 孩子.

ARTUR Good-bye, Miguel. 米盖尔再见.

MIGUEL: Good-bye Arturo. Good-bye, Mama. 阿徒若再见, 妈再见.

CARL Aren't you hungry? 您不饿吗?

ANNA: No, I'm not. Not really. 还好, 不怎麽饿.

CARL Well, it's 9:30, and I am. 哦, 已经九点半了, 我可饿了.

ANNA: There's a cafeteria on the ground floor. 在一楼有一个自助餐厅.

CARL But it's expensive, isn't it? 可是那家自助餐厅卖得很贵, 不是吗?

ANNA: No, it isn't. 不贵呀.

CARL How's the food? 菜怎麽样?

ANNA: It's not bad. 还不错.

CARL OK. then. Let's go to the cafeteria. 好吧, 我们就去自助餐厅吧!