第 81 课:They live quiet lives. 他们过着很平静的生活

: They live quiet lives. 他们过着很平静的生活,

: When they go out into the street, no one asks for their autographs, but everyone in their profession knows and respects them. 当他们出门在街上走的时候, 没有人要求他们的亲笔签名, 但是他们的同行都知道他们, 也都尊敬他们,

: They work as a team. 他们一起工作如同一个小组.

: The woman is a journalist. 女的是位新闻记者,

: The man is a photographer. 男的是位摄影师.

: They met on their first job. 他们是在担任第一份工作的时候认识的,

: They both worked for a famous picture magazine. 两个人同在一个有名的书刊杂志社作事.

: She wrote the articles, and he took the photographs. 她负责写文章, 而他负责照相片.

: The magazine sent them all over the world to cover important events. 杂志社派他们到世界各地去采访重要的新闻,

: They won many awards and medals. 他们赢得了很多奖赏和徽章.

: One day the magazine went bankrupt. 有一天杂志社破产了,

: Many other magazines and newspapers offered them positions, 很多其他杂志社和报社都提供他们工作的职位,

: but at this point the man and the woman decided to work independently. 但在这个时候,他们决定从事独立作业方式.

: She decided she wanted to write a book about her experiences at the magazine. 她决定写一本描述她在书刊杂志社工作时的经过,

: He wanted to work on a photographic essay on bonsai. 他则想作一本盆栽的照片专集.