第 96 课:How do you know his name, Mommy?您怎么知道他的名字,妈妈?

ALI: Hello, Mr. Vegetable Man. Do you remember me? My name is Ali.您好!卖菜的先生,还记得我吗?我叫埃利。

MR YAMAMOT Yes, Ali. I remember you.记得!埃利。

ALI: I met you when you were going to the Japanese Garden. Did you have a good time?您到日本花园去的时候我见到过您。那次玩得好吗?

MR YAMAMOTOI: Yes, thank you, Ali. Is this your mother, Ali?很好!谢谢你,埃利。这是你母亲吗?

ALI: Yes, it is. Mommy, I told you about this man.对,是我妈妈。妈妈,他就是我跟你说过的那个人。

MRS NIKZAD: His name is Mr. Yamamoto, Ali. Be polite.他是亚玛莫托先生,埃利。要有礼貌。

ALI: How do you know his name, Mommy?您怎么知道他的名字,妈妈?

MRS NIKZAD: Because many of my friends have told me about him and his excellent shop. It's nice to meet you, Mr. Yamamoto. Our name is Nikzad.许多朋友都和我谈起过他和他极好的商店。真高兴见到您,亚玛莫托先生。我们姓尼克撒德。

MR MAMOT How do you do, Mrs. Nikzad?Your son helped me find my way around the Fair. 您好,尼克撒德太太。您的儿子在博览会上给我带过路。

ALI: Are you famous, Mr. Yamamoto? How come?亚玛莫托先生,您一定很有名吧?怎么出的名?

MR YAMAMOT Because I have lived in this neighborhood a long time.因为我在这附近住了很长时间了。

ALI: But that isn't enough, is it?但这并能说明问题呀,对吗?

MR. YAMAMOT You have to answer that question for yourself.那你只好自己回答这个问题了。