第 103 课:一项词汇测试-1

Today we have a test for you -- a vocabulary quiz. 今天,我们给你做一项测试:一项词汇测试。

The words are all related to agriculture. 这些词汇全部都与农业有关。

We start with two questions about terms for plants. 我们从两个关于植物方面的问题开始。

Ready? First question: What do we call a plant that lives only one year or one growing season? That kind of plant is called an annual. 准备?第一个问题:我们把仅仅存活一年或生长一季的植物称作什么?这类植物被称为一年生植物。

You can probably guess the next question. 你可能猜到下一个问题。