第 104 课:刺激经济-2

Stocks ended the day higher after his speech. 在他讲话之后,股票市场收盘于当天高位。

It followed a number of reports this week that added to concerns about the slow speed of recovery from the recession. 本周相继发布了一些报告,增加了对于从衰退中复苏缓慢的关心。

On Friday, the Commerce Department lowered its estimate for the gross domestic product. 周五,国务院降低了对今年 GDP 的估计。

GDP is the widest measure of the economy. It measures goods and services produced in the United States . GDP 是对经济的广义测量方法。它计算美国的货物和服务生产总值。

The latest report said the economy grew at an annual rate of one and six-tenths percent between April and June. 最新的报告显示,今年四月到六月美国经济增长速度按年计算增长了 1.6% 。