第 106 课:互联网的开放性-4

He says service providers want to be able to charge more because they build networks out to their customers across the country. 他说,互联网服务供应商希望收取更多的费用,是因为他们建立了贯穿全国、可以抵达用户的网络。

Such companies are the so-called "last mile" providers. 这些公司就是所谓的 “ 最后一英里 ” 供应商。

But, the Internet is really a network of networks which exchange traffic all the time and compete with each other. 但是, 互联网的确是一个紧密联系的网络,随时交换流量,又彼此竞争。

And not all networks reach the last mile to a customer's door. 同时,并不是所有的网络都能直接面对用户 (能完成“最后一英里”,进入用户家庭)。