第 110 课:惠普公司-4

These suggest that before employees make a decision, they should "consider how it would look in a news story." 这表明,在雇员作出决定之前,他们必须考虑在新闻中会呈现出什么景象。

Sexual harassment is one of the areas of job discrimination investigated by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. 性骚扰是平等就业机会委员会调查的就业歧视的其中一个领域。

The federal agency received almost thirteen thousand harassment claims last year. 去年,该联邦机构共收到近1.3万宗性骚扰投诉。

That was down from over fifteen thousand ten years ago. 这比十年前的超过1.5万件有所降低。

Men now make close to one-fifth of the complaints. 现在,投诉性骚扰的男子占五分之一。