第 116 课:受伤的运动员-3

Also, over half the players described female trainers with words like "caring," "nurturing" and "affectionate." 此外,超过一半的运动员会用“关心人”、“有教养”和“温柔亲切”等词来描述女性教练。

The researchers say this shows that "gender stereotypes" have influenced the opinions of the players about women. 研究人员说这表明“性别刻板印象”已经影响了运动员对于妇女的观点。

They say the concern is that players might see the training room as not the place even for well-qualified women. 他们说,这问题是运动员可能认为训练室不适合妇女,即使是够资格的妇女。

The study, led by Heidi Grappendorf, is in the Journal of Athletic Training. 这项由Heidi Grappendorf领导的研究成果刊登在《运动训练日刊》上。

Trainers are an important part of an athlete's life. 教练是运动员生活中的重要组成部分。