第 119 课:双向沉浸法-3

And she says children from Spanish-speaking families benefit from learning in their own language. 然后她又说,来自说西班牙语家庭的孩子可以从他们自己语言的学习中获益。

But some people are still not sure about these programs. 但一些人对此依然心存疑虑。

They say bilingual education has not always taught Hispanic students enough English. 他们说双语教育没有教给拉丁后裔学生足够的英语。

K.C. McAlpin is executive director of a national nonprofit group called Pro-English. 苏浙麦克阿尔平是全国性非盈利的亲英集团的执行官。

London Towne Elementary is in Fairfax County , Virginia . 伦敦汤小学位于弗吉尼亚州费尔法克斯县。