第 138 课:劳工问题-3

Prices roses in May at the highest rate in a year and a half.

Migrants also face added costs for services that were free in the past, like medical care and education. 移民也面临手续服务费用问题的增加,而例如像医疗护理和教育等这些服务在过去都是免费的。

The government does not report on migrant unemployment. 政府没有报道有关移民的失业率。

But media reports say an estimated twenty million migrant workers returned home last year after losing their jobs. 但是媒体报道称,估计去年有2亿移民工作者在失去工作后被遣返回家。

Labor unrest in China takes different forms. 中国劳工动乱的形式各不相同。