第 148 课:狗这个词-6

Husbands and wives use this doghouse term when they are angry at each other. 夫妇在互相生气时会用到doghouse这个词。

For example, a woman might get angry at her husband for coming home late or forgetting their wedding anniversary. 例如,女人可能会因为丈夫回家太晚或忘记了他们的结婚纪念日而生气。

She might tell him that he is in the doghouse. 她可能会告诉他is in the doghouse(失宠了或遭受冷漠)。

She may not treat him nicely until he apologizes. 直到丈夫道歉为止,她都不可能对他很好。

However, the husband may decide that it is best to leave things alone and not create more problems. 然而丈夫觉得最好的解决办法可能就是顺其自然,以免造成更多的问题。