第 152 课:财大气粗-4

The newspaper said Americans shortened and changed the criminal's name Borghese, to bogus. 该报纸说,美国人将这个罪犯的名字 Borghese 作了简化并改成了 bogus.

People trying to earn money also must be aware of being ripped off . 辛苦赚钱的人们也必须注意小心被宰( be ripped off )。

A person who is ripped off has had something stolen, or at least has been treated very unfairly. 一个被宰割的( ripped off )的人就是指遭遇敲诈的人,或者至少是遭受了不很不公平待遇的人。

A writer for the magazine "American Speech" said he first saw the expression used in nineteen seventy-one. 一位“美语演讲”杂志的作者说,他第一次看到这个表达的使用是在 1971 年。

It was on a sign that a student carried during a protest demonstration at a university. 那是在某所大学正在举行抗议游行期间,一个学生举着的标语牌上。