第 155 课:嫁接的植物-3

Many fruits and nuts have been improved through grafting. 许多植物和坚果一直都通过嫁接而被改进。

Flowers can also be improved this way. 花卉同样也通过这种方式被改进。

Some common fruit trees such as sweet cherries and McIntosh apples have to be grafted. 例如许多像甜樱桃和麦金托什苹果这样常见的水果树必须被嫁接。

Grafting is also used to produce seedless fruits like navel oranges and seedless watermelons. 嫁接也被用在像生产脐橙和西瓜这样的无壳水果中。

Grafting continues to hold an important place in agriculture even in an age of modern genetic engineering. 即使是在现今的转基因农业时代,嫁接仍处于一个很重要的位置。