第 16 课:来自老师的问题-4

Debit cards can be used almost anywhere credit cards are accepted. 借记卡几乎可在任何接受信用卡的场合使用。

Millions of Americans now use a debit card or credit card, instead of paper money or checks, to make most of their purchases. 数百万的美国人现在使用借记卡或信用卡来购买大部分东西,以此代替了原来的纸币或支票。

With a credit card, you are borrowing money every time you use it. Debit cards are different. 有了信用卡,你每使用一次就是在借钱,借记卡则不一样。

They are linked directly to a checking account so you are paying with your own money. 它们是直接和经常账户连接的,所以你是在用自己的真钱支付。

Debit cards, also known as check cards, do not have interest charges. 借记卡,也被称作支票保证卡,是不收取利息费用的。

But users are charged if they try to spend more than the amount available in their account. 但是如果持卡人的花费超过他们的账户可用资金数额时,就要支付利息费了。

These fees can be costly even if you overspend by just a few cents. 即使你只是超额仅仅几个美分,利息费也是很高的。