第 168 课:转基因农作物-3

She says they found that genetically engineered crops can be better for the environment. 她表示,他们发现转基因农作物更易于与环境相适应。

For example, she noted that crops designed to resist damage by glyphosate ( 草甘膦 ) need fewer pesticides (杀虫剂) that are more toxic to the soil. 例如,她指出,通过基因改造抵抗草甘膦的农作物需要的杀虫剂更少,而杀虫剂对土壤具有更大的毒害作用。

Glyphosate is a chemical used in Round-Up and other weed killing products. 草甘膦作为一种化学药品适用于 Round-Up (一种除草剂)和其他除草产品。

But some farmers have used so much glyphosate that a number of kinds of weeds can now resist it. 但是,一些农民使用大量的草甘膦,使得许多种类的杂草如今获得了抵抗力。

David Ervin of Portland State University in Oregon led the committee that wrote the report. David Ervin 来自俄勒冈州波特兰州立大学,其领导的委员会撰写了这一研究报告。