第 18 课:撰写大学论文-2

The student might support an idea, question it or even disprove it. 学生可能会同意一个观点,质疑它甚至反驳。

Or the writer could show how the subject may be understood better or in a different way than it has been. 或许作者可以向人们阐明这个主题怎样才能被更好地理解,或者以一种不同于以往的方式解释使之简单明了。

And the student must support the position with evidence. 同时学生必须用论据支持自己的立场。

Cultural differences may interfere when international students try to write this way. 当国际学生尝试这样写作时,文化差异可能会干扰他们。

Writing teachers say students in many countries have learned to write beautiful descriptions about something without ever stating the main idea. 写作指导老师说,许多国家的学生已经学会了用优美的语言描写某件事物,但是从不陈述主要思想。