第 188 课:粮食危机-2

High food prices pushed more people in developing countries into poverty and hunger. 高昂的粮食价格将更多发展中国家的人们推向贫困和饥饿的境地。

Some researchers say people living in cities in West Africa may have suffered most of all. 一些研究人员表示,在西非城市居住的人们的境况最为严重。

Geographers from three American colleges did a study that will appear in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 来自美国三所大学的地理学家们所作的研究将在美国国家科学院学报上发表。

William Moseley of Macalester College in Minnesota led the study. 明尼苏达州麦卡莱斯特学院的 William Moseley 主导这项研究。

The team looked at thirty years' worth of information on food security and agricultural policy in Gambia, Ivory Coast and Mali. 该团队经过 30 年对冈比亚、科特迪瓦和马里的食品安全和农业政策的有价信息进行了搜集。