第 188 课:粮食危机-3

Most of the research centered on rice, an important crop in those three West African countries. 大部分集中在对这三个西非国家的重要农作物 ----- 大米进行了研究。

The researchers say Gambia and Ivory Coast suffered more during the food crisis than Mali did. 研究人员表示,冈比亚和科特迪瓦在粮食危机中比马里遭受更多的损失。

They say this was because people in Gambia and Ivory Coast had come to depend on imported rice. 这是因为冈比亚和科特迪瓦的人们更依赖进口大米。

Local rice production fell after the countries reduced farm supports and import taxes under free market reforms. 当这些国家在自由市场改革中缩减农业支持和进口税率后,本地大米产量下降。

That meant rice farmers were not only earning less but facing greater competition from imports. 这意味着大米种植者不仅利润下降,而且面临来自进口大米的激烈竞争。