第 189 课:私人厕所-4

Full production 满负荷生产力 could reach about half a million bags a day. 满负荷生产力可达到 50 万个袋子一天。

Peepoople plans to sell the bags for two to three cents each. Peepoople 计划每个袋子卖到 2-3 分 。

Anders Wilhelmson says, people can get back ten times what they paid by using the resulting fertilizer to grow vegetable gardens. Anders Wilhelmson 说 , 通过使用卫生袋产生的肥料来种植蔬菜园,人们可以得到 10 倍于付出的回报。

The United Nations says, more than two and half a billion people around the world do not have good sanitation. 联合国称 ,全球有超过25 亿的人口不具备退好的卫生条件 。