第 192 课:一位艺术家-4

He says this is what the paintings are about. 他说这就是这幅画的意义所在。

Aniekan Udofia has become an artist in demand. Aniekan Udofia 在需求量上已经变成了一个艺术家。

The D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities has asked him to create large paintings on the walls of buildings. The D.C. Commission 已经发出邀请,请他在建筑物上创作出一幅巨大的画作。

One of his earliest murals was for a community park. 他早期的一幅壁画作品是为社区公园画的。

The images are about unity and peace using animals and people of all colors. 这幅画的内容是关于所有人种和动物之间的和平团结相处。