第 199 课:称呼某人-3

By World War Two, soldiers were called other names. 在二战时期,士兵用其他词表示。

The one most often heard was GI , or GI Joe . 最常听到的就是 GI 或 GI Joe 。

Most people say the letters GI were a short way to say general issue or government issue. 多数人称GI是general issue或govenment issue的缩写。

The name came to mean several things. It could mean the soldier himself. 这个词有几种意思。可以是指士兵。

It could mean things given to soldiers when they joined the military such as weapons, equipment or clothes. 也可以指发给参军后士兵们的物品,如武器,装备或衣服。