第 2 课:布鲁里溃疡-1

Buruli ulcer is a bacterial disease that eats away muscle tissue. 布鲁里溃疡是一种能吞噬肌肉组织的细菌疾病。

People can become disabled. They may even need to have an arm or leg removed. 人们可能会因此而残疾。他们甚至可能会被截肢。

Buruli ulcer disease can be easily treated with antibiotics. Yet people often do not get medical help until the damage already has been done. 抗生素对布鲁里溃疡病有很好的疗效。都是人们往往在该疾病的晚期才去用药。

Doctor Alexander Tiendrebeogo from the World Health Organization says the disease causes no pain at first. 来自世界卫生组织的医生 Alexander Tiendrebeogo 说这种疾病开始时不会有疼痛感。

The condition usually begins as a swelling on the skin. Then large ulcers form. 起初的症状往往表现为皮肤的浮肿。然后出现大范围的溃疡。

These breaks destroy skin and soft tissue, sometimes all the way down to the bone. 这些溃疡裂口会损坏皮肤和软组织,有时一直破坏到骨组织。